Wednesday, October 31, 2007

PM Kitchen Whores

Dear PM Kitchen whores~
Who the fuck do you think you are? Why do you prance in here every week during OUR CLASS TIME like you own the fucking universe??? I guess I have to remind you that not ONLY is this NOT your class time (you have your own, whore, use it) but that you CHOSE to be here. You can choose to leave just as easily and I so wish that you would.
You may act like you are far superior to us lowly daytime students, but here's the deal, princess, I have at least ten years on you and, guess what? You don't know shit. You know nothing about the real world or what its like to function within it. You know your mommy paying for your tuition and how to be a cunt. Thats it. Congratufuckinlations. You really nailed that last bit too. You should be very proud. The wolves that raised you should be proud as well.
It must have been a special day yesterday and all those other times you weren't around puking out your commands from on high, cause we got everything done, on time, WITHOUT YOU. Must have been A FUCKING MIRACLE.
So in summation, you nagging piece of trash, we will clean when we damn well get around to it. All of it will get done with or without your nasally demands and concocted time schedule.
And the next time you open your trap to tell us what to do and you are NOT sous chef (as you NEVER ARE in OUR class) I will remind you of such and then I will kindly ask you to never, ever stick your face in our kitchen during this time of day again.
The lazy ass AM snatch


KlevaBich said...

OMG I know exactly what you mean. Obviously I've never been in culinary school, but people tend to barge in early in ANY sort of lab class. I've had words with asshats like this many times. Gah!

The Lady in Red said...

Just makes you want to punch a coont in the throat, doesn't it?