Thursday, January 3, 2008

Your Signature Sucks

No, I'm not talking about your handwriting. I'm talking about your stupid ass signature that is attached to each and every piece of email you send out, INCLUDING all replies and forwards, which is just Over The Top.

To make matters worse, you're a member of a message board which you access via email, so this same retarded signature is included. Every. Time. You. Post.

Oh, and it's not just a brief sig, either. It's a fucking paragraph from a book, evidently chosen to impress everyone with how intellectual you are. Well, guess what? It's just making you look stupider than you already are known to be, so knock it off already!

Someone Who Has Her Own Books

1 comment:

Wayward Dork said...

I work with a lady that likes to add "Go Rusty" and " 21 days until NASCAR 2007!!" to her signature. Classy!