Thursday, December 20, 2007

Dear Road Crews

There is snow.

In fact, we live in a city that gets a relatively large amount of snow each year. Isn't it interesting how that works, evry year the same thing?

And since we live in a city that gets a lot of snow, and on this annual (i.e., happens every year) basis, I didn't think you would be surprised when this year, once again, frozen water fell from the sky. Not to mention, the weather men were actually right for a change and had been accurately predicting this for, oh, five days or so.

So you can imagine my frustration when, a full twelve hours after the end of the storm, you have yet to drive down my street with a plow.

I really don't get what the problem is.

You seem to be more than happy to invite the news crews to see your gigantic stores of rock salt, and your rows and rows of freshly serviced plows.

But see, there is the problem. You have the plows, you just don't know how to properly use the plows. Simply having the plows doesn't really help me, I need for you to actually climb into the drivers seat and bring the plow into the vicinity of my house.

Were you to do this, I could potentially get in my car and go so something, perhaps even Christmas shopping. As it is, I may have to walk over, get the FU-250, and come down to your yard full of plows and kick your ass. And then take one of those plows and go shopping.

I'm just saying.


Angry Snowed-In Lady

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