Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hey, Assface

It isn't my fault that you have a shitty little job in a shitty little movie store. If you don't like it, take your fat ass out the door, grab a paper and look through the want ads for a new one. Don't cop an attitude with me because I asked you for a freakin' movie. It's your JOB to know what movies your store has and when those that are out are due back. Fuck you if you don't like it. I didn't make you take this job, nor did I make the lame ass decisions that led you to being a disgruntled 40 something Carl Brutananadilewski look alike with this crappy job. So, if you want to be pissed off about your life, fine, but do it somewhere else. I'm sure mom would love to hear all bout your shitty little life. Go tell her.

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