Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Shut up and do your job

Don't fucking tell me about Tivo. I know more about Tivo then you'll ever understand. I've invested more time and more emotional energy into understanding the ins and outs of Tivo then anyone I know. You have to start a show way more then two minutes into it to avoid commercials. Who the fuck do you think you are? Where do you get off trying to out Tivo expert me? Shut the hell up and go back to work. And never bring this subject up with me again. I'm a passionate passionate person who you don't want to argue with. And if you roll your eyes at me one more time I'll poke them out of their socket with a dirty plastic fork.

1 comment:

Michelle J said...

be sure to scrape said fork around a dirty toilet before you weild it as an eye poking weapon.