Saturday, November 24, 2007

It's Official. I'm Bitter.

Apparently rude is the new black. At what point did it become acceptable to totally disregard those sharing air space? At what point did it become acceptable to pretend you don't notice your kid is misbehaving BADLY?

While enjoying a board game with my significant other's family I was assualted no less than 10 times by a pre-schooler while Mommy ignored the spaztastic display. She trampled. She stomped. She climbed over adults to get to mom. She head-butted a guest and cackled as she ran away. She bounced on the furniture. She stole cards from the game. She nearly squeezed the life out of her little sister. What did mom do? NOTHING. I was flabbergasted! Since I was at his family's I knew I was in tricky territory. I started to nicely (through gritted teeth) correct her hoping mom would catch on. After I pointed out to the little darling that if she continued to bounce on the couch she was at risk of face-planting on the marble coffee table I think my beau started to sense my annoyance and suggested we call it an evening.

Seriously, what is the matter with people?


Elisabet said...

Some people have no friggin' idea that it's their job to discipline their kids. Just think what the kids will be like when they're teenagers! Hello pregnant ho!

The Lady in Red said...

Oh, don't even get me started. I have to refrain from disciplining other people's children everywhere I go. My kids don't act like animals anywhere, not even at home. WTF makes you think I'm going to put up with yours doing it?